Last update 15/12/2010
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NuN, the pen, and what they write

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

Sura 9 and becca

We know that our lips touch each other in two letters Ba and Meem only. These two letters (Meem and Ba) are only letters that are independent than tongue. All languages in the world speak these two letters simillarly ; and these two letters are only letters spoken by lips not tongue. therefore all languages in the world recite Meem and Ba in One form. Therefore recitting the Sura Key in Arabic in contact prayer is share factor of all tongue in the world. total count of Meem and Ba is 19 in sura key. For such reason we must recite Sura Key in Arabic at our contact prayers.Please see the connection between word Becca and sura 9.

more info: sura 9 and becca