Last update 15/12/2010
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NuN, the pen, and what they write

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

correction of letter Alef (part 3)

Sometimes ago I saw some page of Golden Quran. At first view I thunk that this quran hasn't Hamzah and verse numbering at all. It was great question for me that how Hamzah isn't in Old qurans , At another side I was/am beleiving that GOD has saved quran 99.999999% and hasn't converted the miracle of 19 to mirage, Because Hamzah play great role in quran ; Without Hamzah I can't read the Quran at all.

For first time that I saw first page of old Iranian quran , the problem was solved for me.

Iranian museium has quran assigned to a person named Mirsanjar. At first view I didn't hamzah in it. But when I zoomed on it I saw hamzah in it.Please see the Hamzah in word "يشاء".

more info: alef 3

Correction of letter Alef part two

God almighty has saved quran 99.99999%. But this quran that is under hand has some erors in Alef that can be detected and corrected easily by mathematical miracle of 19.

In previous post the letter Nun proved for us that "Senwan" must be without Alef in verse 13:4.Now please see another verse that has one error in Alef. Human errors in Alef is normal thing because Alef isn't like other letters in Arabic. One word in Arabic can be written with/without Alef both.

The verse 6:99 has one extra Alef that must be corrected.Two above correction havn't any effect on mathematical miracle of Nun. Because I had used both verse (13:4 and 6:99) in Nun calcualtion.

More info: Alef 2

Correction of letter Alef part one

GOD in 68:1 has pointed that the Letter Nun is connected with Pen and we know that the Pen is for writting and we get good result that the Nun are protector and corrector of Quran text. Now please see the verse 13:4 that How Nun correct this verse very good. In general Quran The pattern "SenWan" or "صنوان" has been written by Alef that isn't correct. True dictation of the word is "صنون".

more info: Alef 1

Rahmanan (RHMNN) and Rahman

One week ago i saw one article about word Rahman that was interesting for me. If this article be right therefore we get good result that Rahman (رحمن) is/was an Ancient name of GOD that all previous scriptures called GOD by it. Rahman is share name of GOD throughout history.

All prophets call GOD , Rahman (رحمن) .You can see sura Mary (Sura 19) that all prophets and Mary call God Rahman. But according to historical incidents Rahman converted to Father Rhaman then Father Rhaman converted to only father. We know that God teaches Quran to all humans (96:1-5) And we know too that Rahman is teacher of Quran (55:1-2). Christians converted the meanning of Rahman to Father.

Najran was the well-known centre of Christianity in the Arabian Peninsula in time of prophet Mohamad. In the Jewish Sabaean texts, "GOD" is called "Rahmanan","رحمنن" , "the Gracious", the "Master of heaven and earth", "Lord of the Jews". [link]

GOD has used Rahman (رحمن) in Quran too 57(19*3) times and in the previous scriptures has been used as Rahmanan (رحمنن) with DblNoon.

Rahmanan has DblNoon.It show us historically that Rahman is share name of GOD in all scriptures.GV of Rahman in arabic is 298 and gv of Rahmanan is 348.

298+348=646 (19*34)!!

More info: Rahmanan

Harmony in Quran (part two)

Omavy fanatic and medinean fanatic

Mohammedan distorters had changed Quran and finally another Omavy leader named Marvan ben Hakam destructed the main Quran (that was written by prophet Mohamad Hand) in year
684(19*6) approximately 114(19*6) year after birth date of prophet Mohamad.

Omavy leaders based the racism. They thunk that Omavy tribe (one of arab tribe) are better than other arab tribes.

It is true that Omavy leaders changed quran and added two verses into it. But GOD almighty hasn't converted the miracle of 19 to mirage. Because the miracle of Noon proved it for us. Purified Hafs version of the Quran is copied from the main Quran 99.99999%.

نون والقلم و ما يسطرون

[68:1] NuN, the pen, and what they (the people) write.*

Gv of Hafs (حفص) in Arabic is 178. Gv of 68:1 is 695 and 666 is identity of the Quran.

178+695+666 =1539 (19*81)!!

GOD almighty has saved Quran by many factors that we don't know all of them. Hafs version of Quran is main Quran 99.99999%. Medinean and omavy aren’t licence for GOD. GOD saved the quran himself by his factors.Omavy leaders thunk that their tribe are better than other tribes. But GOD almighty has saved the main Quran by another tribe (Kufi tribe) and many other factors that we don't know all of them.

Wrath of GOD is upon wrath of Satan

[15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.

More info: Harmony part 2