Last update 15/12/2010
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NuN, the pen, and what they write

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

Sura 36 and 37

God almighty has used any word in the Quran mathematically. Reading Quran isn't only textual ; studying of mathematical miracle of 19 in the Quran is reading of Quran too ; Because they are signs from GOD. We must be glad for existing a book ( only one book in the world ) shaped with 19. Unfortunately many of Muslims aren’t happy with 19. They can't see Quran in different way. They want follow their fathers and nations ; They don't follow Quran complettely with all of it's signs and it's attributes. They accept Quran partially ( Only a part that is from their fathers view). Please come and see another word that is used different in Quran. These words are " المرسلون " and " المرسلين ".

More info: Sura 36 and 37