Last update 15/12/2010
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NuN, the pen, and what they write

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

Transparent and clear

I seek refuge in GOD from satan the rejected
In the name of GOD, Most Gracious most Mercifull

Salamun Alaikum brothers and sisters

Repenting to GOD Alone:

You may dislike something which is good for you and you may like something that is bad for you. I say again that 66/66/2008 wasn't from myself but GOD didn't reveal warning to Meadle East in this date. The fact is that GOD know better than us. I was wrong in it. May be I am not sincere man that's why GOD didn't reveal warning in 12/12/2008. But 66/66/2008 has another interpretation. We can calculate it like 66 month+66 day+year 2008 that is 04/09/2013. Therefore The finall warning to Meadle East is 66/66/2008 again.

Some times ago One brother had sent me one email that "Every messenger has new message. What's your new message?"

In my view every messenger of GOD can be like Zan-nun.In my view Zan_NuNs are the messengers that:

1- He don't declare his duty clearly and transparent.
2- He proclaim his message to another society instead of his society.
3- Exceeding his duty and entering Red Lines
4- Fearing from proclaiming message of GOD Alone.

In first time I was like Zan_nun ( I was like him in cases 1 and 3). I repent to GOD Alone. I had some mistakes in my weblog . Fortunately I recognized them and I corrected them some days ago. In some cases I had exceeded my duty. Fortunately I corrected them. I fear from GOD, I don't want go to hell. I have some farsi weblogs that is for farsi speakers (Iran- Afganistan – Tajikstan ) . I have proclaimed the message of GOD Alone for them in detail.

Farsi websites:

1- Submission to GOD Alone
2- Mathematical miracle
3- Wisdom of Quran
4- The earth of GOD
5- Life in Quran
6- News of Godisone
7- Rejecting hadith and Sunna

One another brother has proclaimed the message of GOD Alone in farsi too.

I have specific message in my english weblog that is for people of Meadle East (Islamic countries).

My messages in English web site clearly and transparent:

1- Nun miracle and showing new era of calculations about Quran.
Nun miracle is message for arab poets and persian poets.Because many of people in Iran and arabic countries are loving poetry very much. They read poetry every day ,They think about one rhym two week , But they don't think one hour about mathematical miracle of 19. The Nun miracle is Finall message for them specially.Nun miracle declared the handwritting miracle of Quran. Nun can correct Error of Alef in Quran too.

Please refer to : 1 , 2 , 3

2- New relation about Becca

3- New beautifull relation about bastatan

4- New relation about Elyaseen

5- 114 Golden verses

The initial letters refer to the letters that are placed at the beginning of the 29 suras (chapters) of the Quran. 14 initial letters are shown in the below:
Alef – Lam – Mim – Sad – Ra – Kaf – He – Ye – Ain – Ta – Sin - Hah – Qaaf – Noon
ا ل م ص ر ك ه ي ع ط س ح ق ن

It is interesting that there are only 114 (19*6) verses in all Quran that have all 14 initial letters.These 114 verses are internal image of Quran.

GOD be glorified!!!

These 114 verses are:
[2:19], [2:61], [2:140], [2:187], [2:213], [2:217],[2:220], [2:228], [2:237], [2:260], [2:275], [2:282], [2:285], [2:286], [3:93], [3:120], [3:154], [4:4],
[4:34], [4:43], [4:46], [4:47], [4:69], [4:90], [4:92], [4:102], [4:129], [5:2], [5:3], [5:5], [5:6], [5:13], [5:33], [5:53], [5:75], [5:89], [5:95], [5:96], [5:110], [6:71], [6:119], [6:139], [6:151], [6:152], [7:131], [7:160], [7:168], [8:1], [9:29], [9:34], [9:42], [9:71], [9:121], [10:4], [10:24], [10:27], [10:93], [11:81], [11:88], [12:9], [12:36], [12:51], [12:80], [12:101], [13:4], [13:31], [13:41], [14:22], [16:76], [17:33], [18:18], [18:28], [18:45], [18:63], [20:71], [20:130], [20:132], [20:135], [22:11], [22:19], [22:54], [23:27], [24:31], [24:41], [24:56], [24:58], [24:61], [26:49], [27:59], [28:10], [28:19], [28:23], [28:38], [28:82], [30:48], [33:71], [35:11], [38:22], [38:24], [39:6], [40:64], [40:78], [42:52], [46:30], [47:15], [47:32], [48:29], [49:7], [57:25], [58:4], [61:14], [65:1], [72:28], [73:20]
Is there any other book in the world like Quran?!!!
All the above message is for the people that love poet and poetry.

6- Declaring meanning of Emame Zaman and Mahdi and Jesus

666= Quran=Emame Zaman

Many of Muslims beleive that some persons will come and guide people to right path. Unfortunately They reject messages of GOD by new messengers of GOD like Rashad Khalifa. Sunni and Shia groups must accept new message of GOD in the Quran. Theory of Mahdi in hadith book are illusions all. For understanding true meanning of Mahdi refer to part :

7- Hafs purified version of Quran (kufic version) is main Quran by GOD will , And miracle of Nun proved it for us. (refer to part Hafs and warsh in this weblog)

8- Omavy leaders (from third khalifa) were racist and they weren't on right path. they prefered Omavy tribe upon other arab tribes.That's why Hussein Ben Ali fighted against racist leaders .This is test and warning for Sunni people because they are idolworshipping and enlarging leaders and sahaba.

[29:2] احسب الناس ان يتركوا ان يقولوا ءامنا وهم لا يفتنون

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe," without being put to the test?

9- Unfortunately many of muslims ( sunni and shia ) think that their race and their language and their saints is better than others. They mock the people of the other nations. Their flags , their rituals, their books, their school and their dictionaries are full of nationalism and racism and sectarianism.

[49:13] يايها الناس انا خلقنكم من ذكر وانثى وجعلنكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا ان اكرمكم عند الله اتقيكم ان الله عليم خبير

[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.

God will send messengers that many of them we know them and many of them we don't know them.unbelievers can't access to the Quran; only the believers and the sincere seekers are permitted by God to understand it.God does not show us his signs through false messengers.

[40:78] ولقد ارسلنا رسلا من قبلك منهم من قصصنا عليك ومنهم من لم نقصص عليك وما كان لرسول ان ياتي بءاية الا باذن الله فاذا جاء امر الله قضي بالحق وخسر هنالك المبطلون

[40:78] We have sent messengers before you - some of them we mentioned to you, and some we did not mention to you. No messenger can produce any miracle without GOD's authorization.* Once GOD's judgment is issued, the truth dominates, and the falsifiers are exposed and humiliated.

Satanic Ideas:

Some Satanic Ideas that some of submitters and free-mindeans and Mohamadan are circling around it.

a- Quran Alone , Died messengers Alone
b- Quran Alone , Our group Alone
c- Quran Alone , My/our idea Alone
d- Quran Alone , Rashad Khalifa Alone
e- Quran Alone , Mohamad is last messenger
f- Quran Alone , Mohamad is the best messenger
h- Quran Alone , I don't need mathematical relations
i- Quran Alone , Rashad Khalifa is last messenger
j- Quran Alone , 19 yes , but I don't reject 9:128,129
k- Quran Alone , Rashad Khalifa has very good ideas but he wasn't messenger of GOD
l- Quran Alone , I am messenger of GOD but I will say my message later!
m- Quran Alone , I am messenger of GOD but I Havn't message
n- Quran Alone , My messenger Alone
o- Quran Alone , I don't accept any other messenger of GOD after Rashad Khalifa
p- Quran Alone , I Alone
q- Quran Alone , I am Alone
r- Quran Alone , I ….
s- Quran Alone , I ….
t- Quran Alone , I ….
u- and ….

Right Idea:

Quran Alone , We believe in all messengers of GOD totally

[2:285] ءامن الرسول بما انزل اليه من ربه والمؤمنون كل ءامن بالله وملئكته وكتبه ورسله لا نفرق بين احد من رسله وقالوا سمعنا واطعنا غفرانك ربنا واليك المصير

[2:285] The messenger has believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. They believe in GOD, His angels, His scripture, and His messengers: "We make no distinction among any of His messengers." They say, "We hear, and we obey.* Forgive us, our Lord. To You is the ultimate destiny."

2:285 One of the major commandments is: "You shall not make any distinction among God's messengers" (2:136, 3:84, 4:150). The believers react by saying, "We hear and we obey," while the idol worshipers argue back to justify their insistence upon mentioning Muhammad's name next to God's, to the exclusion of all other messengers. The corrupted Muslims mention Muhammad in their profession of faith (Shahaadah) and during their Contact Prayers (see 72:18).

[6:162] قل ان صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العلمين

[6:162] Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe.

You brother in submission to GOD Alone
As'ad , 14/12/2008