Last update 15/12/2010
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NuN, the pen, and what they write

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

One year passed

6/6/6 was start date for disclosing the disbelievers.GOD after 6/6/2006 will disclose the disbelievers.6/6/6 was only start date.One year passed.Unfortunately many of muslims have convereted their religion to racism. They are honoring their fathers,their language ,or race or their saints.The question that arised here is What is real nation of all people in the world?

for extra info please refer to : 6/6/7

Handwrittng miracle of the Quran

Prophet Mohamad write the Quran with his own hand.The main Quran that was writed by prophet Mohamad hand destructed by Omavy Leader Marvan Ben Hakam in year 684(19*36).

The question that must be arised here is :

How we must be certain that the Purified Hafs Quran by Messenger of Covenant Rashad Khalifa is main Quran in handwritting and letters ?

For extra info refer to : Handwritting miracle of Quran

Swear in Quran

Since many years i was thinkiing why GOD has used swear in verse 90:1 strangly. GOD swear to many things at other verses like 91:1 , The swear in arabic starts with letter Waw like WaShams (والشمس).

But GOD almighty has used (لا اقسم بهذا البلد) instead of (و هذا البلد) in 90:1.

For extra info refer to : Swear in Quran


Eliaseen or Elias is one of prophets.GOD has mentioned Eliaseen (ال ياسين) instead of Elias (الياس) in verse 37:130 with two letter more than Elias.Some qurans printed in Iran and some other countries write this word like AleYaseen (آل ياسين ). Sunni and Shia Mullas have created another qurans for themself.

For extra information refer to : Eliaseen