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NuN, the pen, and what they write

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

Data base of Quran

For further information and to obtain a zipped copy of the databases related to the initials of the Quran you may refer to the following links:

Quran Sql server database

Quran Microsoft Access database

And For further information and to obtain a zipped copy of the excel files you may refer to the following links:

Part 1

Part 2


Initial Sad has been mentioned in first verse of three suras (7,19,38).

[7:1] المص

[7:1] A. L. M. S.*

[19:1] كهيعص

[19:1] K. H. Y. `A. S.* (Kãf Hã Yã `Ayn Sãd)

[38:1] ص والقرءان ذي الذكر

[38:1] S. (Saad), and the Quran that contains the proof.


Count of Sad in sura 7 is 97.
Count of Sad in sura 19 is 26.
Count of Sad in sura 38 is 29.

Total count of Sad in these 3 suras = 97+26+29 =152 (19*8) !!!

For extra info please refer to : Sad

The Pen

The initial letters refer to the letters that are placed at the beginning of the 29 suras (chapters) of the Quran.Noon is one of them .GOD almighty has Mentioned Noon letter in sura 68.GOD after Noon points to Pen.The Noon miracle is Good sign for all poets that Quran is complete Book and over it is 19.Quran isn't normal book but it is the special book designed by GOD and is over of all book in the world.The sura 23 has stranges signs for all believers in all religions. Verse 23:1 to verse 23:11 is about all believers in all religions.

[23:11] الذين يرثون الفردوس هم فيها خلدون
[23:11] They will inherit Paradise, wherein they abide forever.

for extra information refer to : Noon part 11


[50:1] ق والقرءان المجيد


Initial Qaaf is 19th letter in abjad system and has mentioned in two sura 42 and 50.

[42:2] ع. س. ق.*

[42:2] 'A. S. Q. ('Ain. Sin. Qaf.)

[50:1] ق والقرءان المجيد

[50:1] Q., and the glorious Quran.*

1-1- There are 57 ( 19*3 ) letter Qaaf in sura 50.

1-2- There are 57 ( 19*3 ) letter Qaaf in sura 42.

1-3- Now consider all suras that sura number is factor of 19.In such state we have 6 suras :

In these 6 sura there are 228 (12*19=2*114) letter Qaaf.

In these 6 sura there are 49 (7*7) word God.

Can it be coincidence ?God be glorified!!


Now consider all verses that verse number is 19 in total 114 suras such as verse [2:19],[3:19] , ….

In such state we have 76 (19*4) letter Qaaf.


Now consider all verses that verse number is factor of 19 in total 114 suras such as verse [2:19],[2:38],[2:57], ....

In such state we have 323 (19*17) letter Qaaf.


Now consider all verses that sura number plus verse number are factor of 19 in total 114 suras as verse 20:75 (20+75 = 95 (19*5 ))

In such state we have 228 (19*12) letter Qaaf.

How this can be coincidence ?This marvel order show us that the Quran is numerically book from God.


In those verses that have one Qaaf there are 19 word Arrahman.

Those verses :

Total verse number plus total sura number is 1596 (19*84) !!


There are 1824 (19*96) verses in 29 initialed suras that have letter Qaaf.

For extra information please refer to:

Qaaf part 1

Initial He (ه)

Initial He (ه) has mentioned strange in Quran.In some places GOD has used "ه" and in orher places has used "ة". Second type is instead of Te (ت) but we read it like He(ه).The question that arised here is Why GOD has used He instead of Te in word like Rahma (رحمة)?

Only reason is : Equivalization in mathematical orders

God has used many words in this form :

Rahma (رحمة) (3:107) instead of Rahmat (رحمت)(2:218).

[2:218] ان الذين ءامنوا والذين هاجروا وجهدوا في سبيل الله اولئك يرجون رحمت الله والله غفور رحيم

[3:107] واما الذين ابيضت وجوههم ففي رحمة الله هم فيها خلدون

Now consider all verses in Quran that ends with letter such state we have 171(19*9) verses like 79:12,104:5,20:1

For extra information refer to:

Initial He part 1

Initial He part 2

Initial He part 3

Initial He part 4


God almighty has designed Quran according to our need and has placed many stories in Quran that can solve and analyze our society.One of interesting story is Samarian.Samarian deceived people in time of prophet Moses.Now we compare that story with our sociey. The Samarian went to the spot where God spoke to Moses, and grabbed a fistful of dust upon which God's voice had echoed. This dust, when mixed with the molten gold, caused the golden statue to acquire the sound of a calf.This story isn't only simple story but it has many lessons for us.

for extra info refer to : Samarian


The word اهل المدينة is mentioned only in two Suras(9 and 15).This word means " The people of the city ".

[9:120] ما كان
لاهل المدينة ومن حولهم من الاعراب ان يتخلفوا عن رسول الله ولا يرغبوا بانفسهم عن نفسه ذلك بانهم لا يصيبهم ظما ولا نصب ولا مخمصة في سبيل الله ولا يطءون موطئا يغيظ الكفار ولا ينالون من عدو نيلا الا كتب لهم به عمل صلح ان الله لا يضيع اجر المحسنين

[9:120] Neither the dwellers of the city, nor the Arabs around them, shall seek to stay behind the messenger of GOD (when he mobilizes for war). Nor shall they give priority to their own affairs over supporting him. This is because they do not suffer any thirst, or any effort, or hunger in the cause of GOD, or take a single step that enrages the disbelievers, or inflict any hardship upon the enemy, without having it written down for them as a credit. GOD never fails to recompense those who work righteousness.

Unfortunately 19 year after death of prophet Mohamad two verses was added to sura 9 in city Medina.

For extra information refer to: Medina

Satanic groups

6/6/2006 (6/6/6) is start date of disclosing all satanic groups.After this date GOD will disclose idolworshippers immediately.76(19*4) day after 6/6/6 at 19/8/2006 and 20/8/2006 the conference between Sunni and Shia mullas was performed . This conference was 19th conference for unity between Sunni and Shia mullas.

19+8+2006=2033 (19*107)!!!

For extra information please refer to: 6/6/2006



All initial letters are in verse one except Ain-Sin-Qaaf in sura 42 that is in verse 2 and this matter has made Ain-Sin-Qaaf very interesting.

[42:1] حم

[42:2] ع. س. ق.*

Ain-Sin-Qaaf are only initials that are in verse number 2.

Ain-Sin-Qaaf letters are : ع س ق


Now consider all verses that verse number is 2 for all suras. (as verse [1:2],[2:2],[3:2] , …. )

In such state there are only 19 verses that have all Ain-Sin-Qaaf letters.

Those 19 verses:


Now consider all verses that verse number is 19 for all suras. (as verse [2:19],[3:19],[4:19] , …. )

In such state there are only 19 verses that have all Ain-Sin-Qaaf letters.

Those 19 verses:



Now consider all verses that verse number is 1 for all suras. (as verse [1:1],[2:1],[3:1] , …. )
In such state there are only 19 verses that have all Ain-Sin-Qaaf letters.

Those 19 verses:


Sura 42 has initial Ain-Sin-Qaaf.There are 19 verses in sura 42 that have all Ain-Sin-Qaaf letters.

Those 19 verses:

For extra information please refer to :

Fibonachi series in Quran

The Fibonachi series is a series of number that "If you start with the numbers one and make a list in which each new number is the sum of the previous two. For example, 144=sum of two previous numbers (89+55).

The Fibonachi series is :

1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , 55 , 89 , 144 , 233 , 377 , 610 , 987 , 1597 , ...

There are 6346 verses in all Quran (Numbered and Unnumbered).In Fibonachi numbers 6346 placed after number 4181.It is very interesting that there are
19 Fibo numbers before 6346.

1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , 55 , 89 , 144 , 233 , 377 , 610 , 987 , 1597 , 2584 , 4181 , 6756 , …

For extra information refer to :

Jesus , Mahdi , Emame Zaman

I seek refuge in the GOD from satan the rejected
In the name of GOD Most Gracious most mercifull

Theory of Mahdi divided throughout history into three part:

1- Jesus (Christian and many Muslims claim that Jesus will come back)
2- Emame Zaman
3- Mahdi

Emame zaman:

Many of Muslims are waitting their Emam.Emame zaman means leader of time.At our century God proved for us that Quran is only leader for all time and 666 is identity for Quran (please refer to

Only leader in all time is Quran not any other person and 666 is identity for Quran. Emame zaman is Quran and only person with this property is Quran therfore we have :

666 = Quran = leader of time=Emame zaman

Many of Muslims beleive that some persons will come and guide people to right path. Unfortunately They reject messages of GOD by new messengers of GOD like Rashad Khalifa. Sunni and Shia groups must accept new message of GOD in the Quran. Theory of Mahdi in hadith book are illusions all. For understanding true meanning of Mahdi refer to part :

Jesus and kingdom of heaven:

Christians and many of Muslims are waitting Jesus come back but Jesus won't come back , because Jesus has promised another messenger after himself.At now Jesus is in heaven ;How he will come back to this world full of sin and dirty works!!!. If he come back ; he wouldn't speak with us.

[61:6] واذ قال عيسى ابن مريم يبني اسرءيل اني رسول الله اليكم مصدقا لما بين يدي من التورة ومبشرا برسول ياتي من بعدي اسمه احمد فلما جاءهم بالبينت قالوا هذا سحر مبين

[61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel, i am GOD's messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be even more praised (Ahmad)." Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, "This is profound magic."

That messenger was prophet Mohamad, and at our time the message of Jesus would be continued by Another one. message of Jesus was "kingdom of heaven";and at our time this message would be continued in here ( Brother Muslim and Christian please read this website carefully.

Brother christian we don't make difference between messengers of GOD.We don't say Mohamad is better than Jesus.Dear brother Christian i love you and i amn't your enemy and this matter isn't from myself.We and you must follow message of Jesus based on Quran at new form.If you are right and you want follow Jesus, you must follow message of Jesus
based on Quran.Quran has message of all prophet. Quran isn't only message of Mohamad. Message of Prophet Jesus is in Quran.Quran is complete book that mathematiclay has been proved and letter by letter of it is from GOD.some of bible is from God too but if you want know what said Jesus really , you must read Quran.

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

Dear brother Christian ,Shia and Sunni this is the fulfillment of Mahdi and returning Jesus.Thus, GOD does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change.

Fortunately at these days (6/6/2006) leader of terrorist Abu Masabe Zarqawy was killed.this accident has good message that Islam or submission (religion of Abraham) is religion of Peace and no compulsion in religion.

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.

Your brother in submission to God alone

6/6/2006 (6/6/6)

Extra Basmalah

God almighty has created Quran numerically.We know that God has mentioned one extra Bsm(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) in sura 27 but at another side sura 9 hasn't Bsm.Totally God has mentioned 114 Bsm.Extra Bsm is mentioned in 27:30 (27+30 = 57(19*3)).Bsm (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) starts with letter
Be and ends with letter Mim.Letter Be and Mim have close relation with together.Our lips touch each other in these two letters only.Count of letter Be and Mim in Sura one is 19.Mim is from initial letters but Be isn't from initial letters. Letter Be has close relation with letter Mim.We get good result that letter Be and Mim have close realtion with Bsm.112 Bsm havn't number only two of them have number (1:1 and 27:30)

for extra information refer to : Extra bsm

Sura 9

Unfortunately 19 year after death of prophet Mohamad two verses added to sura 9. This two verses contradict many remarkable points of Quran.Birth date of prophet Mohamad was Year 570(19*30) and the main Quran (that was written by prophet mohamad hand) destructed in year 684(19*36) by omavy leader Marvan Ben Hakam.Fortunately the purified Quran was Showed to us by Rashad Khalifa and Now the purified and main Quran (99.999 %) is under hand.

For extra information refer to:

Sura 9 part 1

Sura 9 part 2

Sura 9 part 3

Sura 9 part 4

Word GOD

Word GOD has imortant role in Quran for example there are 133 ( 19*7 ) word GOD in all verses that verse number are factor of 19.

Those verses that have 133 word God:

For extra info refer to :

Word GOD part 1

Word GOD part 2

Word GOD part 3

Word GOD part 4

What Quran is correct?

GOD has embedded marvel order of Noon in Quran.For example has spelled some words different in some places.We know that there are 133 (19*7) verses that have pattern DblNoon (نن ). (for more details refer to previous matters).Now let study verse 21:88.In thise verse word Nonaji has spelled as "نجي" (with one Noon) not "ننجي" (with DblNoon).This is very interesting point.Because this protect 133 verses that have DblNoon And in the below we see that GOD confirm it by another notes on verse.

[21:88] فاستجبنا له ونجينه من الغم وكذلك نجي المؤمنين

[21:88] We responded to him, and saved him from the crisis; we thus save the believers.

It is interesting that this verse has 7 Noon and Gv of verse is 2983 (19*157) !!!
And has 38 (19*2) letters too.Digit sum of verse 21:88 is 19 (2+1+8+8)!!!
Many qurans printed in islamic countries write this word with dblNoon and it contradict orders of Noon.GOD be glorified! he has gave us strict factor like Noon to distinguishing true version of Quran.

For complete article please refer to strange words in Quran.

Verse numbering of Hafs is correct

Many of those that mathematical code of Quran disturb them claim that verses of Quran hadn't numbering at first century of Hijra and therefore verse numbering isn't from GOD!! .Now i show you one of orders that will close all cases.we know that initial letters refer to the letters that are placed at the beginning of the 29 suras (chapters) of the Quran. Below table shows the 14 initial letters in the Quran.

It is very interesting that there are only 114 verses in Quran that all 14 initial letters exists in them.

like verse 2:19,

[2:19] أو كصيب من السماء فيه ظلمت ورعد وبرق يجعلون أصبعهم في ءاذانهم من الصوعق حذر الموت والله محيط بالكفرين

All of those 114 verses are in below table:
[2:19], [2:61], [2:140], [2:187], [2:213], [2:217], [2:220], [2:228], [2:237], [2:260], [2:275], [2:282], [2:285], [2:286], [3:93], [3:120], [3:154], [4:4], [4:34], [4:43], [4:46], [4:47], [4:69], [4:90], [4:92], [4:102], [4:129], [5:2], [5:3], [5:5], [5:6], [5:13], [5:33], [5:53], [5:75], [5:89], [5:95], [5:96], [5:110], [6:71], [6:119], [6:139], [6:151], [6:152], [7:131], [7:160], [7:168], [8:1], [9:29], [9:34], [9:42], [9:71], [9:121], [10:4], [10:24], [10:27], [10:93], [11:81], [11:88], [12:9], [12:36], [12:51], [12:80], [12:101], [13:4], [13:31], [13:41], [14:22], [16:76], [17:33], [18:18], [18:28], [18:45], [18:63], [20:71], [20:130], [20:132], [20:135], [22:11], [22:19], [22:54], [23:27], [24:31], [24:41], [24:56], [24:58], [24:61], [26:49], [27:59], [28:10], [28:19], [28:23], [28:38], [28:82], [30:48], [33:71], [35:11], [38:22], [38:24], [39:6], [40:64], [40:78], [42:52], [46:30], [47:15], [47:32], [48:29], [49:7], [57:25], [58:4], [61:14], [65:1], [72:28], [73:20]
It is intersting in these 114 verses there are 112 verses that all Basmalla letter exists in them.112 is number of unnumbered Basmalla too.the question that arised here is : If verses of Quran hadn't number then what is above marvel order????
For complete article please refer to 114 verses


GOD by his will has protected Quran in vowels too. For example see verse 35:28

[35:28] ومن الناس والدواب والانعم مختلف الونه كذلك انما يخشى الله من عباده العلمؤا ان الله عزيز غفور

[35:28] Also, the people, the animals, and the livestock come in various colors. This is why the people who truly reverence GOD are those who are knowledgeable. GOD is Almighty, Forgiving.

Word God must be with Fatha (Allaha) in this verse. If in this verse, word God be with Zama (Allahu) then meanning of verse is false and is against quran teachings.It show us that vowels has been protected by GOD too.


Many qurans in islamic countries have many errors.Some of them write word Assalat (الصلوة) with alef (like الصلاه) and here they change Waw to Alef. This matter contradict miracle of Quran and some of these qurans havn't Hamza .for example see verse 7:96 in the below link that this Quran has printed in some islamic countries. it hasn't hamza.

Sunni and Shia

GOD has mentioned some word strangely in Quran.Because GOD want wake up us for searching more details about mathematical relations in Quran.One of words that has mentioned strange in Quran is word Eliaseen (ال ياسين).(Eliaseen or Elias is one of prophets.)God has mentioned Eliaseen (ال ياسين) instead of Elias (الياس) in verse 37:130 with two letter more than Elias.

[37:130] سلم على ال ياسين

[37:130] Peace be upon Elias, and all those like Elias.

Now we see why God has mentioned word Elias strange in this verse.Verse 37:130 starts with Sin and ends with Noon.Now consider all verses that starts with Sin and ends with Noon.It is interesting that in such state we have 19 verses.

Those 19 verses:

This verse has relation with initial Yasin.Verse 37:130 has 3 Ya and 2 Sin.Now consider all verses that have 3 Ya and 2 Sin.It is intersting that in such state we have 114 (19*6) verses.

those 114 verse:

Word Elias has mentioned 3 times in Quran 6:85 and 37:123 and 37:130.If we sum sura numbers and verse numbers of these 3 verses then :

6+85+37+123+37+130 =418 (19*22)

This is another sign to show us that why god has mentioned one word in two forms.One of reasons is equalization of mathematical relation in Quran. Now it is time to call on all the Sunni and Shia people to take lesson from this matter.Dear brother Sunni and dear brother Shia please make a glance to your hadith books about this verse. What you see? Is 19 message of God or No?

For complete article please refer to Strange words part

Becca and Mecca

God has mentioned strange word in Quran.This note has many interesting points in Quran text.Now we study one of words that is strange.In verse 3:96 word Becca ( بكه ) has mentioned instead of Mecca ( مكه ).

[3:96] ان اول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة مباركا وهدى للعلمين

[3:96] The most important shrine established for the people is the one in Becca;* a blessed beacon for all the people.

The question that arised here is why God has changed the word in this verse.Because in another verse this word mentioned as Mecca not Becca.

[48:24] وهو الذي كف ايديهم عنكم وايديكم عنهم ببطن مكة من بعد ان اظفركم عليهم وكان الله بما تعملون بصيرا
[48:24] He is the One who withheld their hands of aggression against you, and withheld your hands of aggression against them in the valley of Mecca, after He had granted you victory over them. GOD is Seer of everything you do.

God want wake up us to searching mathematical signs of God's authority in Quran.This difference is in letter Be and Mim.These 2 letters have important roles in Quran.For example total count of Mim and Be is 19 in sura key(sura 1) and there are 38 (19*2) verses that total count of Mim and Be is 19 in them.We know that our lips touch each other in only two letter Be and Mim.Now we study this verse:

1- Sum of verse number and sura number of this 2 verses:

3+96+48+24=171 (19*9)!!

2- We know that Nun letters are very important in Quran.for this reason God after Nun in 68:1 points to pen.because pen is protector of Quran text.Verse 3:96 has 3 Noon and 3 Waw.Now consider all verses that have 3 Noon and 3 Waw.In such state we have 171(19*9) verses.

3- This verse (3:96) start with Alef and ends with Noon.Now consider all verses that start with Alef and ends with Noon.In such state we have 584 verses. It is interesting that total count of Mim in these 584 verses is 2698 (19*142)!!(2698 is total count of word God in Quran)!

4- 3:96 is in sura 3.
Now consider count of Mim and Be in this sura.It is interesting that total count of Mim and Be is 1824 (19*96)!!

5- in 3:96 difference is in word Becca. This word has DblBe (بب ) .Letter Mim and Be have close relation with each other . Now consider all cases that are as DblBe with space or without space (بب - ب ب ) or DblMim with space or without space ( م م مم ). It is interesting that in all Quran we have :
Count of DblMim is 209 As verse 2:23,

[2:23] وان كنتم في ريب مما نزلنا على عبدنا فاتوا بسورة من مثله وادعوا شهداءكم من دون الله ان كنتم صدقين

[2:23] If you have any doubt regarding what we revealed to our servant*, then produce one sura like these, and call upon your own witnesses against GOD, if you are truthful.

Count of DblMim with space is 1021 As verse 2:10,

[2:10] في قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا ولهم عذاب اليم بما كانوا يكذبون

[2:10] In their minds there is a disease. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. They have incurred a painful retribution for their lying.

Count of DblBe is 64 As verse 2:73,

[2:73] فقلنا اضربوه ببعضها كذلك يحي الله الموتى ويريكم ءايته لعلكم تعقلون

[2:73] We said, "Strike (the victim) with part (of the heifer)." That is when GOD brought the victim back to life, and showed you His signs, that you may understand.

Count of DblBe with space is 74 As verse 2:175,

[2:175] اولئك الذين اشتروا الضللة بالهدى والعذاب بالمغفرة فما اصبرهم على النار

[2:175] It is they who chose the straying instead of guidance, and the retribution instead of forgiveness. Consequently, they will have to endure Hell.

Now total count is : 209+1021+64+74=1368(19*72)
God be glorified!
Please for complete article refer to:

Warsh and Hafs version of Quran

God has protected all Quran by using initial letters in them.Warsh version has some differences than general Quran.This version is used in some African countries.It has some erorrs in verse numbering and text but many of calculations is true for Warsh version too.This version has difference verse numbering and this contradict some mathematical remarkable points .May God want show us how he protect his book by saving another version parallel to this Quran and we now can see how mathematical orders distinguish the correct version.
There are some differences between Warsh version and Hafs version of Quran.Certainly GOD hasn't revealed two version.GOD has promised the human that he protect Quran (15:9).But the Question that arised here is :

Why there is two versions of Quran? Why GOD has promised us protecting Quran and at another side there is some differences between qurans?

At our previous generation there wasn't computer , therefore miracle of 19 wasn't sign at that time and therefore GOD had protected Quran for our previous generartion because Warsh version was miracle too for our previous generation . GOD showed us the miracle of 19 by messenger of covenant after 1400 year. Therefore we get good result that GOD show Quran to us according to time.At computer generation GOD showed us that Hafs purified Quran by messenger of covenant Rashad Khalifa is main Quran 99.999% .

For extra information refer to :

Warsh part 1

Warsh part 2

Warsh part 3

Warsh part 4

Warsh part 5

Warsh part 6

Warsh part 7

Noon letter

نون والقلم و ما يسطرون

Sura 68 strats with initial Noon and count of letter Noon( ن ) in sura 68 is 133(19*7).In the general Quran this initial has written as one letter Noon (ن) but it is incorrect. 19 year after death of prophet Moahamad two false verses added to Quran and the verse 68:1 corrupted. Collectors of Quran thunk that this initial is like other initial.because all other initial writen by one letter except this initial.They made mistake about this initial and God showed us that the Nun(نون) is correct not Noon(ن).

The Noon initial letters have important role in Quran that some of them are :

1- The frequency count of the letter N in sura 68 is 133 (19*7).

2- There are precisely 133(19*7) verses in the Quran that ends with Nun (Noon-Waw-Noon) like verse 52:39

ام له البنت ولكم البنون

3- There are 133(19*7) verses where two letters of N occurring side by side like verse 74:6 in word Tamnon:

ولا تمنن تستكثر

4- There are only three verses that have pattren Nun and dblNoon too .The count of the letter Noon (ن) in the verses (only three verses) having two letters of Noon side by side (ظننتم) and pattern Nun (N Waw N = نون) is 38(19*2) .

5- If we add the sura and verse numbers of the three verses described in the fact 4 the result is 209(19*11).

6- There are only 95(19*5) verses in the Quran where the Arabic word God (الله) and the pattern Nun (N Waw N = نون ) occur together.

7- There are 361(19*19) cases(not verses) having two letters N next to each other with an space between them (لن نؤمن) and two letters of N side by side without any spaces in between ( ننجي)

8- There are 10 verses each having 19 letters Noon and the count of the Arabic word GOD in these 10 verses of the Quran is also 19(19*1) .

9- There are 228(19*12) verses in the entire Quran that contain pattern Nun (نون) like verse :
وانه لما قام عبد الله يدعوه كادوا يكونون عليه لبدا

10- There are 133(19*7) words that end with the pattern double Noon (نن) or Nun (نون) and these patterns occur in the middle of a verse instead of at the beginning or the end of a verse .

11- Nun in sura 68 is written as Noon-Waw-Noon (two Noon and one Waw = نون ). There are 228(19*12) verses with two letters Noon (ن) and one letter Waw (و) .

12- There are 133 verses with pattern double Noon. 57(19*3) of these verses are even numbered and 76(19*4) verses are odd .

13- There are 358 verses with the pattern Nun (Noon-Waw-Noon=نون) or the pattern double Noon (نن). The total count of the letter Noon in these verses is 2698 (19*142).it is interesting that 2698 is total count of word God in Quran.

14- The sum of the verse numbers plus the sum of the sura numbers of the 358 verses specified in the fact 13 above is 30229(19*1591).

15- From the 358 verses described in fact 13, eleven (11) verses have all initial letters. These 11 verses have 190(19*10) letters Noon.

16- In the entire Quran there are 19(19*1) first verses where the first or the end letter is Noon like verse:
[15:1] الر تلك ءايت الكتب وقرءان مبين

17- The total count of the letter Noon in all verses that sura number plus verse number is a factor of nineteen is 1406(19*74) .

18- The pen in Arabic is Alghalam (القلم ) (68:1). There are 152 (19*8)verses that the all pen letters and the pattern Nun (نون) exist in them.

19- There are 19(19*1) words God (الله) in all verses that have 19 letters Noon (ن) .

20- There are 133(19*7) verses where the count of the word God (الله) and the count of the letter Noon are equal (133 is the total count of the letter Noon in Sura 68) .

21- There are only 4 suras that the number of verses that start with the Nun letters (نون) is a factor of 19. The total count of these verses is 133(19*7) .

22- There are 5 suras where the number of verses that start with the letter Waw (و) (Waw is from Nun letters) is a factor of 19. The total count of these verses is again 133(19*7) .

23- There are 133(19*7) verses where the count of the word God (الله) is equal to the count of the letter Noon (ن) .

24- There are 95(19*5) verses that have one word God (الله) and have one letter Noon (ن) .

25- There are 76(19*4) verses that have one word God (الله) and have one letter Waw (و) .

26- There are 3 letters in Nun (ن و ن). In the entire Quran, there are 171(19*9) verses that have 3 Noon (ن) and 3 Waw (و) letters .

27- There are 3 letters in Nun (ن و ن). There are 209(19*11) verses where the frequency of the letter Noon (ن) is three times that of the letter Waw (و) .

28- Nun letters are Noon-Waw-Noon (ن و ن). Thus, the count of the letter Noon is twice the count of the letter Waw (و). There are 228(19*12) verses that Have 2 Noon (ن) and 1 Waw (و) letters .

29- The count of the letter Noon is twice the count of the letter Waw (و). There are 133(19*7) verses that Have 4 Noon and 2 Waw letters .

30- The first 19 verses of the Quran are verses 1:1 through 2:12 and they have 57(19*3) letters Noon (ن) .

31- There are 19(19*1) letters Noon (ن) in the last 19 verses of the Quran

32- There are 19(19*1) verses that are numbered 1 and end with letter Noon

God be glorified. All things in heavens and earth belongs to only him.
For complete article please refer to:

Word Bastatan

God The Most gracious has mentioned some word criticaly. All the changes in Quran can detected simply by code 19. One of words that is spelled wrong through history and has been changed via human errors is word
Bastatan in verse 7:69 . Bastatan in arabic is بسطة . This Word in general Quran is wriiten by Sad but it is false and it must be with Sin.

[7:69] اوعجبتم ان جاءكم ذكر من ربكم على رجل منكم لينذركم واذكروا اذ جعلكم خلفاء من بعد قوم نوح وزادكم في الخلق بسطة فاذكروا ءالاء الله لعلكم تفلحون

[7:69] "Is it too much of a wonder that a message should come to you from your Lord, through a man like you, to warn you? Recall that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and multiplied your number. Remember GOD's blessings, that you may succeed."

There are many remarkable points regarding this verse. for extra information refer to: Word Bastatan

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[74:30] عليها تسعة عشر

Over it is 19

This verse is base of mathematical miracle of 19.God in this verse points to nineteen.This verse is very important.Quran isn't normal book.Harmony of verses play important roles in Quran.Harmony of verses is like order of poetry in Arabic and Farsi and other languages . Many poets say poetry by specific Harmony. they say poetry that all sentences of it ends with specific letter.For example harmony of verse 74:30 is
"ر" because 74:30 ends with order Ra(ر).Verse 74:30 ends with harmony Ra ( ر ) and count of Ra in it is One.Now consider all verses in total Quran that end with Ra and count of Ra in them is One.It is interesting that in such state we have 114(19*6) verses in total Quran.

For extra information refer to:

Heavens and earth and number 7

Number 7 is very important in previous can see the below link for more details:

For example this is a few writings about creation of heavens and earth in Bible.
Let's take the number seven as an illustration of the way the patterns work. Seven is the most prolific of the mathematical series which binds scripture together. The very first verse of the Bible "In the begining God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen 1:1), contains over 30 different combinations of seven.
This verse has seven Hebrew words having a total of 28 letters 4 x 7. The numeric value of the three nouns "God", "heaven" and "earth" totals 777 [ 7*111 ]. Any number in triplicate expresses complete, ultimate or total meaning
Now we see that Quran confirms all before scriptures and mathematical relation show us that both scripture is from one can see mathematical relation between the heaven and the earth at two books (Bible and Quran).

Heaven and earth and number 7

Initial letters in Quran

The initial letters refer to the letters that are placed at the beginning of the 29 suras (chapters) of the Quran. 14 initial letters are shown in the below:
Alef – Lam – Mim – Sad – Ra – Kaf – He – Ye – Ain – Ta – Sin - Hah – Qaaf – Noon

ا ل م ص ر ك ه ي ع ط س ح ق ن

It is interesting that there are only
114 (19*6) verses in all Quran that have all 14 initial letters.These 114 verses are internal image of Quran.

For extra information refer to:

Internal image

Initial letters part 1

Initial letters part 2

Small suras